Arabesque S-Ray™. On-line tool to monitor the sustainability of 4,000 corporations. Combines over 200 ESG metrics with news analysis from over 50,000 sources across 15 languages, with each company given a daily ESG score on the normative principles of the United Nations Global Compact: Human Rights, Labor Rights, the Environment, and Anti-Corruption.
Arabesque S-Ray™是一个监视4,000家企业可持续性的在线工具,工具结合了200多种ESG指标与新闻分析(15种语言、5万多条数据来源),在列的公司都给出了每日ESG评分(根据《联合国全球契约》的规范原则(人权,劳工权利,环境和反腐败))。